Standard Memberships

  • Session £8 (Cash or Card)
  • Week Pass £25 (Cash or Card)
  • Monthly Membership £35 (Standing Order)
  • Monthly Membership £40 (Cash or Card)
  • Under 18s Standing Order(min age 14) £30/month
  • Under 18s Cash/Card(min age 14) £35/month
  • *All memberships must be set up as a standing order unless otherwise stated. No minimum term.

    *All memberships Can be paid yearly upfront, pay for 11 months and get 1 month free.

Opening Hours

  • Monday - Friday 5.30am to 10pm
  • Saturday 9am to 6pm
  • Sunday 9am to 5pm
  • Bank Holidays 5.30am to 3pm


Training for an event? Or maybe you just like to compete with yourself to see your stats improve. We have all the equipment you need to optimise your performance and eek out those last few reps or those last few seconds!


Looking to get healthier? Our gym is a friendly environment where beginners and pros mingle. Our staff, and even our members will be happy to offer any advice as needed.


Need more strength for Weightlifting, Powerlifting, Bodybuilding or even lifting your toddler? We are unrivaled in our strength training equipment and our staff have expert knowledge to help you get those all important gains.


Working Hours

  • Mon - Fri 5.30am to 10pm
  • Saturday 9am to 6pm
  • Sunday 9am to 5pm
  • Bank Holidays 5.30am to 3pm